The Hand of Faith Gold Nugget: A Remarkable Discovery When it comes to treasures hidden beneath the Earth's surface, few can compare to the awe-inspiring Hand of Faith Gold Nugget. Discovered in 1980 by Kevin Hillier in the Australian state of Victoria, this remarkable nugget ranks as one of the largest ever found. Weighing in at a whopping 27.21 kilograms (or 61 pounds), the Hand of Faith is truly a testament to the Earth's incredible mineral wealth. Its irregular shape, resembling a clenched fist, earned it the name that it proudly carries today. Unearthing such a colossal specimen is no small feat. Hillier, armed with nothing but a metal detector, came across the nugget just a mere 30 centimeters (11.8 inches) below the surface. Little did he know, his discovery would soon capture the attention of people from all corners of the globe. News of the Hand of Faith spread like wildfire, attracting enthusiasts and experts alike. At the time, it held the record for being the largest gold nugget ever found with a metal detector. Its value was estimated to be around one million dollars, but its rarity and significance make it nearly priceless. Initially, Hillier planned to melt down the nugget to maximize its monetary value. However, realizing its historical and cultural significance, he eventually sold it to the Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Today, the Hand of Faith is proudly displayed in the casino's lobby, captivating visitors with its sheer size and incredible journey. The finding of the Hand of Faith reminds us of the Earth's hidden treasures still waiting to be discovered. Gold nuggets have long held fascination and intrigue, symbolizing wealth, power, and natural beauty. Whether it's the thrill of finding such a rare and valuable specimen or the appreciation of its geological significance, the Hand of Faith serves as a reminder of the wonders that Mother Nature holds deep within her core. The Hand of Faith Gold Nugget is more than just a massive piece of gold; it represents the thrill of exploration and the allure of the unknown. Its discovery and subsequent display in the Golden Nugget Casino stand as a testament to human curiosity and the timeless allure of shining metal. In conclusion, the Hand of Faith Gold Nugget is a remarkable example of natural beauty and the incredible wealth hidden beneath our feet. Its size, history, and sheer value make it a captivating piece for all to admire.